Vaccine Administration Data Backlogs: Preliminary Findings & Next Steps
This video is part of the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) meeting series. In this presentation, Rob Rosenbaum and Adele Waugaman discuss USAID's preliminary findings and next steps for vaccine administration data backlogs.
Vaccine Administration Data Backlogs: Preliminary Findings & Next Steps
Disaggregated data is critical to COVID-19 vaccine delivery Specifically patient-level vaccine administration data that captures who is being vaccinated by key demographic details (i.e. age, sex, HCW status, vx type). Yet, in most countries there are significant difficulties accessing these data, which creates challenges for C19 vaccine administration planning and targeting of priority populations. Without these data, it is difficult to track progress, which has implications for improving health outcomes and for monitoring vaccine delivery progress.