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HealthConnekt Investment Opportunity

The HealthConnekt initiative presents a unique investment opportunity for both the public and private sector to equitably enable the ongoing digital transformation of health services across the globe. While the last few years have demonstrated the unique opportunity to dramatically enhance reach and improve quality of health services in lower-and-middle income countries, there remains a significant risk that new barriers will contribute to marginalized and remote communities being left behind. Connectivity is quickly becoming recognized as a “super determinant” of health, playing an increasingly outsized role than more traditionally recognized social determinants such as education and employment.

By 2030, HealthConnekt aims to map and analyze access to every health service delivery point in the world, including at Community and Primary Health Care level. This will include assessing access to reliable electricity and connectivity, identifying and quantifying under-served and unconnected populations, creating investment cases for financing, and offering tools for monitoring the provision of internet services.

Captura de tela 2022-06-24 121824.png

Tipo de Documento

Investment Case







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